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Company name
Postal code
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Email address*
Details of your inquiry*

Privacy policy

Step Co., Ltd. and Futaba Seisakusho Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Step/Futaba”) have established the following personal information protection policy, have established mechanisms for protecting personal information, have made all employees aware of the importance of protecting personal information, and continue to make thorough efforts to protect personal information.

Management of personal information

To keep our clients' personal information accurate and up-to-date as well as preventing unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, or leakage of personal information, Step/Futaba takes all necessary measures, including maintaining a security system, maintaining a management system, providing thorough employee training, implementing security measures, and conducting strict management of personal information.

Purposes of use of personal information

Any personal information received from clients will be used for sending emails or other materials as communications from Step/Futaba or as a response to business inquiries or questions received.

Prohibition of disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties

Step/Futaba appropriately manages personal information received from clients and does not disclose personal information to third parties unless one of the following cases applies.

  • When consent is given by the client
  • When work is outsourced to provide some service that the client wants, then to providers of that service only
  • When disclosure is required by law

Security measures for personal information

Step/Futaba takes all possible security measures to ensure the accuracy and security of personal information.

Inquiries from individuals

If an individual wishes to inquire about, modify, or delete his or her own personal information held by Step/Futaba, we will respond after first confirming that individual’s identity.

Observing laws and norms, and policy review

Step/Futaba will comply with Japanese laws and regulations and other standards applicable to any personal information it holds, will review the content of this policy as appropriate, and will make efforts to keep improving it.